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Please note: Information is tentative, and will depend on a variety of factors. However, we want to share as much information as possible before players and their families have to make any decisions so they can plan ahead and know what to expect.
Also, with all of the circumstances resulting from the ongoing COVID-19 situation nationwide, all 2020-21 season planning will be subject to change as circumstances demand. The OC has also elected to NOT raise any club fees (excluding Exposure teams) from our projected 2019-20 costs due to the economic hardships created by the COVID-19 situation and its impact on many families.
Last update: 9/15/2020
2020-21 Teams and Club Fees (Tentative)
Club fees at The OC Volleyball Club are among the most inclusive of any volleyball club in the Tulsa area. Included in club fees:
Facility rental costs
Equipment costs
Registration and tournament entry fees (excludes Nationals)
Uniforms/apparel (2 jerseys, a backpack/bag, and other select apparel)
ALL costs for coaches and administrators (includes stipends, travel costs, registration fees, education, etc.)
Select recruiting costs to the club and player/parent recruiting guidance (HS-aged players)
Several other miscellaneous costs
Club fees will not include USAV/OKRVA registration ($55), tryout fee ($40), player/parent travel costs, other optional uniform/apparel/accessories, and team coolers. Spandex may also required.
While we are not the least expensive choice for club volleyball, we strive to budget diligently while providing the components necessary to operate a great club volleyball organization for our members.
Girls Teams
All girls teams normally practice 1-2 times per week, most likely (but not guaranteed to be) one weekday evening practice and one weekend practice (except for tournament weekends and select holidays). Teams will also be scheduled for 5-8 tournaments during the club season. Some tournaments will be out of the Tulsa metro area, and may have travel requirements. Projected club fees* for 2020-21 are:
18/17/16 Exposure - $2455 or less
17/16 Elite - $2095 or less
17/16 Select - $1895 or less
15 Elite - $1895 or less
15 Select - $1695 or less
14 Elite - $1735 or less
14 Select - $1535 or less
13 Elite - $1595 or less
13 Select - $1395 or less
12 Elite - $1435 or less
12 Select - $1235 or less
12 Development - $695^ or less
^fees for 12 Development team do NOT include tournament fees
*last update: 9/15/2020
Our top teams in most age groups will be designated with the "Elite" name, while our second teams will be "Select". Our goal is to have both Elite and Select teams play the same number of tournaments (team budgets permitting), though the teams will not likely play the same schedules. Select teams are projected to travel a little less, and thus are expected to have slightly lower club fees. We also expect our 17 Elite and 16 Elite teams to participate in 1 national qualifier event in 2021, schedules permitting.
We will also have at least 1 "Exposure" team offering, which will consist of the best players that tryout and accept offers to join our club. The Exposure team is expected to participate in at least 2 National Qualifiers, and will also likely travel more frequently (and possibly further) for tournaments.
Boys Teams
For boys club volleyball, The OC is pleased to present Tulsa Boys Volleyball Club.
Payment Options
The OC Volleyball Club will offer 2 payment options for the 2020-21 season.
Please note: Actual club fees will vary by team. Amounts used below are for illustration purposes only.
Option 1
Full payment due in Nov 2020 (date TBD). A full payment, made on time, will also be offered a discount of 6%.
Example: Club Fees of $1,855.00 would be discounted to $1,743.70 if paid in full at signing.
Example: Club Fees of $1,495.00 would be discounted to $1,405.30 if paid in full at signing.
Option 2
Deposit due in Nov 2020 (date TBD), with 3 additional payments due on the 15th day of Jan/Feb/Mar.
Example: Club Fees of $1,855.00 would have a deposit of $703.75 due at signing. The 3 additional payments of $383.75 will be discounted to $360.73 if received on time. (Total of all payments: $1,785.94)
Example: Club Fees of $1,495.00 would have a deposit of $613.75 due at signing. The 3 additional payments of $293.75 will be discounted to $276.13 if received on time. (Total of all payments: $1,442.14)
To those families who have multiple kids on teams with The OC, we will do our best to offer an additional discount on your club fees, starting with the second player.
For families with some true needs to meet the high-resource demand of club volleyball, either due to extenuating circumstances or other situations, please review our CAP Program to see if this might be an avenue to consider.